Sorry Charlie!! Our puppy got spayed yesterday.

So the day finally showed up where my poor girl of the canine variety lost..her womanhood :(

 Charlotte, mostly known as Charlie, is the fluffiest little Havanese you will ever see....she came into our home at just over 8 weeks. A sable coat little fluffball with the perkiest little gait not seen on other breeds :D

Little Charlotte the first day.

Our new companion...

A few months later, all her puppy hair is gone!
I have such mixed emotions about the spay procedure.  Its so extreme to me, and I was filled with mixed feelings so I thought about the pros & cons....

      ~She won't get various cancers
      ~She won't go into heat, prompting escapes or otherwise.

      ~Her womanhood is virtually yanked out of her...
      ~She will be in world of pain for a couple what might just feel like forever. :(
      ~I'm afraid she won't be the same dog again.

Of course those aren't the only pros or cons, but between trying to see the reasoning behind it, and of course the signature on the breeder's contract, I only had to reschedule one time.
So that morning, we took her to the hospital...the hospitals server was down and we were there an extra hour before they were up and running again.

     She. was. SUCH. a. good. dog.

Charlie sat still and quietly, didn't bark at all, and was happy to be in my lap or the baby's.  Thanks to the delay, we both got to cuddle a little longer.

But then, the vet's aid came out to take her away, and if you could believe it, it was like she knew what was about to happen. Her eyes changed.  And as the nurse walked away with our dog in her arms...her little head was seen poking out of the side looking at us with such sad eyes. Almost if she wanted us to reach back for her and run away back home......

It was the longest day EVER.

On every other day, 3PM comes right after 10AM....but yesterday was a day that felt like I could get it all done, no, not because she was away, but because I kept my ears peeled hoping I wouldn't get a call too early or if there WAS a call I would at least catch it.  I will tell you all right now, I am so glad we DID NOT ever get that call :)

3PM comes around.....FINALLY
I called Banfield, to check on her status. It was a breeze and she did well and was currently in recovery. I would be able to pick her up in just a few hours! :)

Just picked up from the hospital, in need of another haircut, but oh so sad.

She seemed sooo sad when we got her back.....and then my feelings were hurt too....because this was my fault.  Poor girl was in pain, and not her jovial self. It was really tough looking at her...because those PUPPY.DOG. EYES.....were all I could was hard...I didn't really know what to do.

I realized then, that I needed to cut it out...that she's not just some dog...she's a companion and whats done was done, that it wasn't about what I felt, it was about HER...

SO what I'm deciding to do instead,  is to love on this dog more than ever....give her extra belly rubs, praise her a little more and hey, coddle her too....its the least I could exchange to who she has been and will be to us, God-willing.
Aside from our potty training issues (which will be remedied), she's a great dog and we, especially our little one,  look forward  the gift of many years of loyal companionship.

Tag!!! You're it!! 20 Questions

SO I AM A HUGE FAN OF LAUREN CONRAD, yes I did watch both series what can I say.  I think she is so classy, great fashion, has the appeal without showing a lot of skin and she carries herself gracefully. She runs her website so well!!!!  So needless to say I love to read her posts, I'm active in the book club, and I just took part of a great post, 20 questions to get to know you I decided to share my answers with you!!!
1. Favorite TV show? Nowadays, with my little one, the only time I watch TV is when her shows are on and my fav right now is Bubble Guppies!! LOL I'm sorry most may not be able to identify but, its too cute and it's educational!
2. Song I can't stop listening to is...Chris Brown and Benny Benassi - Beautiful People 
makes me feel like I'm 21 again when the feeling of freedom to go out dancing and clubbing was so fresh, new and invigorating :)
3. Red or nude lips? Nude Lips. I have pretty bright lips as it is so I have to actually tone them down!
4. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook, its a way to connect with my military buds all over and network for my business.
5. Gold or silver? Well, neither, I'm really allergic to nickel so so gold but it has to be white gold with a certain Carat
6. Favorite fashion designer? (or clothing line) I used to LOOOVE Marc Jacobs thats my fantasy face….but I do love the look of Ralph Lauren now, and several British Labels.
7. Any recent travels? Had OH so much fun in Missouri for military work :)
8. Makeup you can't live without? HMMMM thats a huge tie between mascara and gloss!
9. Favorite childhood TV show? I was a BIIIIIG Mickey Mouse Club fan….don't ask lol
10. Straight, curly or wavy hair? I have naturally really curly hair, its fun, but straight is way easier to deal with.
11. What were you doing a year ago from now? New mommy, dealing with a teething 7 month old :)
12. If you could live in any era, what would it be? It's a tie between the era of Jane Austin and the Victorian era… me stuffy I like that values were better then and the clothing to die for!! :)
13. Where are you from? Good ol' New Jersey (Perth Amboy), and NO I do NOT fistpump!
14. Favorite food? My ethnicity is Puerto Rican, and I love our food it's such a wonderful mixture of cultures. African, Spanish, and Native Indian its colorful and bursting with flavors…..YUM
15. Makeup or fashion? I'll go with makeup :)
16. Movie you saw most recently? I just bought and saw Rio with my daughter. SOOO funny. Loved the music.
17. Nickname? Jenny, Jenny Jen, Ollie, Olland, the list goes on…
18. I'm secretly terrified of…hmmm  now it wouldn't be a secret now would it? Well let's just say I am doing everything I can to ensure a life of success for my little one.
19. Heels or flats? I love heels, have plenty, but I'm already 5'6 and most of my friends are pretty short, (I'm considered tall) So flats, end up winning by the end of the night.
20. Favorite blog on/off so far? I love the mommy blogs of Little Miss Momma and I am a huge fan of the Lauren Conrad Book Club.
So there it is!! My twenty questions! I would love to hear your answers!! NOTE: I changed the last question for this blog because I want to pay it forward, lets share our favorite blogs and help promote each other here!!! 
1. Favorite TV show? 
2. Song I can't stop listening to is... 
3. Red or nude lips?
4. Facebook or Twitter? 
5. Gold or silver? 
6. Favorite fashion designer? (or clothing line) 
7. Any recent travels? 
8. Makeup you can't live without? 
9. Favorite childhood TV show? 
10. Straight, curly or wavy hair? 
11. What were you doing a year ago from now? 
12. If you could live in any era, what would it be? 
13. Where are you from? 
14. Favorite food? 
15. Makeup or fashion? 
16. Movie you saw most recently? 
17. Nickname? 
18. I'm secretly terrified of... 
19. Heels or flats? 
20. Favorite blog so far??
To see the original post click here.