MMM YUMMY! and EASY Slow Cooking Scrumptiousness!

Ok so right now as I type this....I am smelling the wonderful aroma of an easy Creamy Chicken recipe I found in this AMAZING magazine called "FIX-IT and FORGET-IT: Our Best Slow-Cooker Recipes 2010"
I want to thank "Life in the Last Frontier" for providing a picture of this cover for my blog. (Just goes to show how easy and great these recipes can be! She showcases a Cheesy Potatoes dish on her blog) She also has other incredible blog posts about her darling new baby!

This is my second time doing this recipe. The first time was SO easy and it was a major hit with my BF and his co-worker who worked really hard that day bringing in our new mantle/tv stand/electric fireplace/heater. (Just SOUNDS as heavy as I'm sure it WAS!)

So today while he is working his side job I'd thought I'd make it again as a surprise (and also get some practice in :D)

MMHM! If you guys could only smell the amazingness in this home right now...but alas! I will share the recipe my lovies :)


~5 Ingredients or less and 15 min prep (my favorite part about putting this recipe together!)

makes 8 servings (but incredibly easy to cut down to smaller or add on to bigger portions :))

ideal slow cooker: 4 qt
8 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
Lemon pepper to taste (kind of a trial and error unless you already know how you like your chicken :P)
10 3/4oz. can of cream of chicken soup (I used Campbell's Reduced Fat Cream of Chicken Soup)
3-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
8-oz. container sour cream

1. Place 4 chicken breasts (already sliced into halves) in bottom of slow cooker. Sprinkle with lemon pepper.
2. Combine soup and cream cheese in a bowl.  When blended, FOLD in sour cream.
3. Pour HALF the sauce over chicken breasts in slow cooker.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 3.
5. Cover and cook on high 2 to 4 hours or until chicken is tender.

This is good served over cooked rice.

So it comes out amazing, somewhat like pot pie filling, so I suggest if you like that try adding frozen peas to the crock-pot or carrots, or even frozen mixed veggies!!

and I personally would have it over brown rice (I'm trying to knock the white bread and rice out of my life, lol)
HOWEVER if you have a weak moment, like I tend to do...then bake some biscuits in the oven (the yummy ones with all the layers), when serving the dish on a semi-deep serving dish, top with the layers of biscuit over the creamy chicken and WAH-LAH!!! its ALMOST like a variation of Chicken Pot pie!! aha!

OH- and don't forget a little garnish of sprinkled parsley over the top makes it look pretty!

ENJOY!!!! and if you guys try this, please let me know all the details and how you liked it! :)

 (I will update this post with a picture of the finished product!) :)

Dinner...Is Served!

A Night Out!

 Yes, I was in the Danger Zone!! NEVER sit in the front row at a comedy show!

No it's not my truck (but deep down inside I wish it was!)

The BF and I had date night, we left our lovely blossom with his mom and went out to see a comedy show at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick. We saw Damon Wayans perform. It was ok but I must admit I like him on TV in character instead of standup. Needless to say I was definitely starstruck! Especially since I sat so close! Afterwards we went out to a new bar downtown called Mike's Courtside. Very nice place! He's a friend of the BF and we enjoyed our time as well as a few poses by his new truck! :)

Oh and just because I mentioned it earlier, it is NO BUENO to sit in the front row at a comedy show! It is not a matter of IF, or MIGHT, you WILL get picked on! lol Unfortunately we arrived just on-time and those were the only seats left!

Now I know!

I was hoping the BF snapped some photos that were full length cuz I was dressed pretty nicely. And the exposure is so DARK. So, I apologize! But the purse (the open one that I forgot to close lol) is from Forever 21!

Everything is Bigger and FRIED in Texas!

 At the Airport!
 Texas State Fair!

 He was adorable!

YEE HAWW Texas!!! LOL Ladies and Gentlemen: It's is fair to say, that the major theme of this trip was...


I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Dallas/Fort Worth. I got to spend time with a good friend and some battle buddies.  We drove, danced, shopped, and had such a fabulous time. I missed my daughter ever so dearly.  So I must admit, as much as I needed the break, I couldn't wait to hold her again.

Unfortunately, when I flew home and was picked up, she was fast asleep.

My little angel

Looooong hiatus!


I have been so MIA, and there is so much going on and I have so many pictures and recipes and things that I want to share with you readers.

I have had this feeling hanging over me of all the things I want to do as well as post on the blog. And all the backup of what I was supposed to post.

I really want to make it a point to show you all what I enjoy doing with my free time. I even think of projects to share, but I never manage to get them to fruition.  I guess that's what separates me from the morr successful blogs out there.

But! I won't give up! Lol its been a very rocky start but balancing life as a mommy, house"wife", soldier and soon-to-be student, I will do my best to accomplish a routine where I can regularly blog :)

I hope I can contribute and thus inspire you, or even provide you with something good to read and learn from you all in return :)

Hope to provide for you guys soon! To everyone following me, I really appreciate the support and I hope I can make it worthwhile very soon!
